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Daily care

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When you say pet, you are also saying best friend.

Taking care of your dog or cat is much more than a little bowl of food and a cushion for napping!

To ensure your pet’s well-being, you can provide some care yourself. After all, your little furball brings you joy every day, so doesn’t she deserve to be treated with care?

To make things easier, we have compiled our most valuable tips for keeping your pet well cared for and healthy. Think about eye and ear cleaning, grooming for your pet’s coat and taking care of her teeth, as well as getting rid of fleas and ticks; and the list goes on!

Like to know more about Vetoquinol care products? Browse our product section, or contact your veterinarian. And remember to follow your vet’s advice carefully!


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Final score :
Your pet is clearly exhibiting a loss of mobility in simple, day-to-day activities. This could be chronic or severe discomfort or pain, and we advise you to immediately make an appointment with your veterinarian for a more complete diagnosis and treatment plan. The Flexadin product line could be part of the solution by helping to support your pet's joint function. Talk to your veterinarian today! Download the tracking board
Your pet is starting to exhibit a loss of mobility. Certain simple, day-to-day activities are difficult. This could be due to a painful joint condition such as osteoarthritis. For more detailed information about your pet's condition, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian for advice. The Flexadin product line could be part of the solution by helping to support your pet's joint function. Download the tracking board
Your pet has good mobility – that's great news! We recommend that you frequently check that day-to-day activities don't become more difficult over time. In fact, 45% of dogs over the age of 6 and 90% of cats over the age of 12, suffer from osteoarthritis. This condition is painful, so we recommend preventing osteoarthritis by keeping your pet active, watching its weight, and giving it a supplement such as Flexadin, which helps to support your pet's joint function. Download the tracking board
Final score :
Your pet is clearly exhibiting a loss of mobility in simple, day-to-day activities. This could be chronic or severe discomfort or pain, and we advise you to immediately make an appointment with your veterinarian for a more complete diagnosis and treatment plan. The Flexadin product line could be part of the solution by helping to support your pet's joint function. Talk to your veterinarian today! Download the tracking board
Your pet is starting to exhibit a loss of mobility. Certain simple, day-to-day activities are difficult. This could be due to a painful joint condition such as osteoarthritis. For more detailed information about your pet's condition, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian for advice. The Flexadin product line could be part of the solution by helping to support your pet's joint function. Download the tracking board
Your pet has good mobility – that's great news! We recommend that you frequently check that day-to-day activities don't become more difficult over time. In fact, 45% of dogs over the age of 6 and 90% of cats over the age of 12, suffer from osteoarthritis. This condition is painful, so we recommend preventing osteoarthritis by keeping your pet active, watching its weight, and giving it a supplement such as Flexadin, which helps to support your pet's joint function. Download the tracking board
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