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Fetch! Shake a paw? Sit pretty!
Very often, your pets are moving around… Jumping, running and playing are part of their routine, which – in the long term – affects their physical abilities. With age, some mobility issues can make them less active. Decreased activity and stiffness may suggest joint problems, like osteoarthritis. Be vigilant!
Identifying pain in dogs and cats is not obvious... That is why you have to pay attention to warning signs like difficulty getting up or isolating themselves. If you suspect that your pet has joint pain, consult your veterinarian. Your vet will do the necessary tests and prescribe a suitable treatment plan which may be made up of medicines, physiotherapy, weight management and food supplements like Flexadin.
Your best friend deserves a long, pain-free, life!
Vous ne savez pas où chercher un physiothérapeute? Ça tombe bien, on est là pour vous aider! Indiquez votre code postal, cliquez sur «Rechercher» et le tour est joué!
Don't know where to find a rehabilitation therapist? That's okay – we're here to help! Enter your postal code, click on "Search" and you're good to go!
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