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Whether your pet has undergone surgery, suffers from osteoarthritis, is older or is overweight, animal physiotherapy (or physical rehabilitation), which aims to increase mobility and reduce pain, may be indicated. Animal physiotherapy uses a combination of passive and active exercises that can be done in the veterinary clinic and at home, as well as massage, hydrotherapy, laser treatments, ultrasound or electrical stimulation to improve your pet's quality of life. Would you like to learn more about physiotherapy, test your pet's mobility or watch a video about a few practical exercises? You've come to the right place!
Vous ne savez pas où chercher un physiothérapeute? Ça tombe bien, on est là pour vous aider! Indiquez votre code postal, cliquez sur «Rechercher» et le tour est joué!
Don't know where to find a rehabilitation therapist? That's okay – we're here to help! Enter your postal code, click on "Search" and you're good to go!
Don't see your question listed here? Please send it to us. Not only will we answer it, but it might be added to the list above.
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