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This exercise is very beneficial for a dog's hind legs. It's actually the dog equivalent to human squats! It is very important that you speak to your veterinarian about the exercises you plan to do at home. Your veterinarian is the only person who can tell you and show you how to do the exercises properly according to your pet's health. Remember to warm up your dog before any exercise (2–3 minute walk or gentle massage).
By asking your dog to give you its paw, you are encouraging it to do an active movement with its limb without exerting any weight on it. Learn easy tips for doing this simple movement that will benefit your pet! It is very important that you speak to your veterinarian about the exercises you plan to do at home. Your veterinarian is the only person who can tell you and show you how to do the exercises properly according to your pet's health. Remember to warm up your dog before any exercise (2–3 minute walk or gentle massage).
In this exercise, the pet completes "S" movements around cones, working all of the muscles in its torso. It is very important that you speak to your veterinarian about the exercises you plan to do at home. Your veterinarian is the only person who can tell you and show you how to do the exercises properly according to your pet's health. Remember to warm up your dog before any exercise (2–3 minute walk or gentle massage).
Weight transfers involve pushing gently against the animal's hips from left and right so that it transfers its weight from one back paw to the other. It is very important that you speak to your veterinarian about the exercises you plan to do at home. Your veterinarian is the only person who can tell you and show you how to do the exercises properly according to your pet's health. Remember to warm up your dog before any exercise (2–3 minute walk or gentle massage).
In this exercise, the dog will voluntarily pull back when the person handling it "annoys" its paw. This will help the dog to exercise its joints without putting weight on them. It is very important that you speak to your veterinarian about the exercises you plan to do at home. Your veterinarian is the only person who can tell you and show you how to do the exercises properly according to your pet's health. Remember to warm up your dog before any exercise (2–3 minute walk or gentle massage).
This is an easy exercise to do while walking your dog and it will help to gently exercise your dog's joints. Cookie stretches are good for the neck, the upper spine and the back legs. It is very important that you speak to your veterinarian about the exercises you plan to do at home. Your veterinarian is the only person who can tell you and show you how to do the exercises properly according to your pet's health. Remember to warm up your dog before any exercise (2–3 minute walk or gentle massage).
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