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This test is designed to help you assess changes in your pet's comfort and mobility based on daily observations. To take the test, compare how your pet is acting today to how it acted when it was younger, before being diagnosed with osteoarthritis. To correctly assess changes in your pet's comfort and mobility, you must first determine its current condition using the following scale. The final score represents the sum of all the points recorded on the scale. Next, transfer the score onto the downloadable mobility curve. This test should be repeated at least once every two weeks and it will show you how your pet is progressing with respect to the medication and supplements it is taking, as well as its exercises and weight management.
0: Not Applicable,
1: Very problematic,
2: Moderately problematic,
3: A bit problematic,
4: No problem
Vous ne savez pas où chercher un physiothérapeute? Ça tombe bien, on est là pour vous aider! Indiquez votre code postal, cliquez sur «Rechercher» et le tour est joué!
Don't know where to find a rehabilitation therapist? That's okay – we're here to help! Enter your postal code, click on "Search" and you're good to go!
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