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How do I brush my dog’s teeth and how often?

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Like you, your dog needs daily dental care. Just as we teach our children to brush their teeth from a very young age it is important to establish a teeth-cleaning routine with your pet. Brushing your dog’s teeth is not impossible and is even easier if started early when he is a puppy!


  • More than 80% of pets two years and older suffer from periodontal disease*.

  • In pets, two thirds of every tooth is hidden inside the gums which means that your pet may have dental disease without you noticing.

  • Bad breath might be the first sign of a serious dental problem.


Periodontal disease occurs when dental plaque bacteria freely accumulates on the surface of the teeth. The bacteria causes inflammation and eventually destruction of the tissue around the teeth which keeps them healthy. This situation can cause mouth pain for your pet, results in tooth loss and causes chronic infection which may shorten your pet’s life expectancy.


Periodontal disease occurs when dental plaque bacteria freely accumulates on the surface of the teeth. The bacteria causes inflammation and eventually destruction of the tissue around the teeth which keeps them healthy. This situation can cause mouth pain for your pet, results in tooth loss and causes chronic infection which may shorten your pet’s life expectancy.



Any new habit is better accepted if integrated little by little:



Start by placing a small amount of toothpaste for dogs and cats on the end of your finger, then rub your dog’s teeth and gums.


After your dog is used to the taste of toothpaste you can start using a toothbrush or finger toothbrush… You will know right away whether or not your dog is enjoying it!


Start brushing the teeth at the back of the mouth, then gently approach the front teeth, using small circular movements.



To find out more, we encourage you to view the following videos, intended to help you give your pet the best possible dental care!

At-home dental care for your pet: Watch the video

Understanding the importance of your pet’s dental care: Watch the video  



* ALBUQUERQUE, C., et al. The Veterinary Journal,  vol. 191, 2012, p. 299-305.



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